
Culture Vulture deserves a spanking

Our apologies for missing this one:

The Tallest Man on Earth played a show at The Turf Club in St. Paul last Monday night, June 1, 2009. We express our deepest regrets both for missing this performance, but also for not alerting our followers to this special event.

We are so sorry. This Swedish folk artist (Kristian Matsson) makes our blood bubble. In a good way. We also decidely love his "barely-there" mustache. If you like Bon Iver, Dylan, John Prine...and good music, for that matter...you'll probably dig this.

We'd like to make it up to you with this video from Swedish television. The Tallest Man on Earth performs "It Will Follow the Rain." Can a folk song grip you and rip you? Hell yeah!:

If you are anywhere else in America this summer, you have a pretty good chance of catching this man. Oh, and...he ain't that tall.

1 comment:

  1. so glad that i introduced you to this music. so sad that you missed him.

    those swedes know their music. and they know it's good, man.
